Happy New Year! I hope that everyone had a great evening ringing in the New Year last night. For those of you who don't ring it in - I'm jealous.
To bring in 2008 I thought the kids might like to put up the air mattress in the living room and have a party with movie candy, pop corn and soda's. We have three kids who had all gotten movies for Christmas so they each picked one to watch and then at about 5 minutes till midnight we switched over to watch Dick Clark in Time Square. Well my kids loved it and wanted to start it as a tradition. So last night we repeated the scene from the end of 2007 and I was finally able to crawl into bed around 12:30.
Well last night I was quite rushed when I put up the information about the Inventory Clearance Sale. So here is a longer version. I have looked in my store and noticed that I am OUT of room. I literally can't put anymore in it. Well some of you know that CHA is right around the corner (Jan 24-28). At CHA is where I am supposed to buy the new product. So I need your help. BUY BUY BUY and if you can't buy or already have it all spread the word to your forums, scrap booking groups, and at your scrap parties. I need this inventory out and I need it out fast.
The sales are great! Only the newest arrivals have small sales. TONS of the inventory are in the 50% - 75% off. Did you like the black chip board but wonder how to work with it? Well now it is like $1 so now is the perfect time to get it and try it out. Well that is about the extent of my salesman ship. But please do spread the word to anyone you know.
Again Happy New Year 2009!
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